For those of you who were not able to go – the 2014 IMTS once again was incredible. With all the major Machine Tool Companies along with CAD/CAM, Tooling and Technology centers to walk around I believe everyone could have gotten something out of it. The 3-D printed car was pretty impressive and shows how […]
Prepare for the Job Search
I recently received a call from a candidate that was putting himself back on the market due to some corporate moves that were made. In discussing his search I realized that even though he was planning this for months he was never preparing for this move. Here is an article that really helps you understand […]
Technical Training Programs
Looking for that career out of high school? Can’t decide what direction to go? The gap between the Skilled Workers currently in the US and the growing need many Manufactures have is becoming increasingly alarming. Most companies are experiencing strong growth and are expecting over the next 5 years to continue that growth. The article […]